Ovulation Fertility Test Predictor Kit: Easy@Home 20 LH + 5 HCG Strips Accurate Fertility Test for Women Ovulation Monitor - Powered by Premom Ovulation Tracker App
- Easy to Use Easy@Home Ovulation Test Strips: Dip the test, check the result and snap a picture. Premom will automatically align your valid test results for visible progression tracking. You can track and view your cycle and fertility window’s prediction at any time. No need to hold onto the old urine test anymore.
- Easy to Read the Result of Easy@Home LH Test: Simply scan and log your LH tests in the app, the Premom app brings the full fertility tracking solution to your smartphone.
- Accurate and Reliable Detection of Ovulation: Levels of LH as low as 25 mIU/ml can be detected in 5 minutes. Enough accurate at detecting your LH surge. Detects the hCG hormone in urine at the level of 10 mIU/mL.
- Maximize Your Chance of Pregnancy: Your fertility signs can vary from cycle to cycle, and they can easily be missed. Premom minimizes the likelihood you will miss your LH peak or misinterpret the LH result, and it maximizes the results’ predictive accuracy.
- Clear Results: 5mm wide ovulation test strips make the result clear. Easy to track your most fertile days.
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13 reviews
I bought the product over a week ago and I am very impressed!!! I've done ovulation tests in my life but they never worked like these!!! Here the lh increases beautifully, (of course the urine must be concentrated), the lines are clear, the application defines the pick beautifully. This is my first cycle with these tests, we'll see what they bring. Anyway, it turned out that my ovulation day is earlier than the calendar predicts. I really like this brand and will definitely use it. I recommend highly.
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,This is a 2 in one kit to check your ovulation and possible pregnanacy, I used this kit to check my ovulation and this kit was accurate also the pregnancy's test was quick and accurate.
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Fell pregnant the first month of using these tests. Easy to use. Highly recommend!
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Do not buy Told me I was pregnant on 3 tests strong positives (I’ve been pregnant before a few times) bought clear blue and says negative … false info
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Much easier to read than another brand I am using clear result when I hit my peak
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I have been using this test brand for a while, but the last box I ordered has an error in the control line, it was not dark enough, you can see that until the 13th the lines were fine, but on the 14th that is When I started the new box you can see the difference, I'm going to lose my peak because of these tests
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jihane lft
Ces tests d'ovulation m'ont beaucoup aidée dans ma démarche pour tomber enceinte. Avant, je me fiait uniquement aux applications, mais les tests sont beaucoup plus précis. Ils m'ont permis de mieux suivre mon cycle, et je recommande vivement ! En plus, les tests de grossesse sont assez sensibles et peuvent détecter la grossesse dès 10 UI, ce qui est vraiment pratique.
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Ich bin total zufrieden mit den easy@Home Ovulationstests! Die Anwendung ist wirklich super einfach und verständlich. Die Streifen geben schnell und zuverlässig Ergebnisse, sodass ich genau wusste, wann meine fruchtbaren Tage sind. Besonders praktisch fand ich, dass auch Schwangerschaftstests dabei sind – das spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern auch Geld! Die App, die man dazu nutzen kann, ist auch klasse und macht das Ganze noch übersichtlicher. Alles in allem eine perfekte Kombination, wenn man seinen Zyklus im Blick behalten will. Ich habe absolut nichts auszusetzen und kann sie wirklich jedem empfehlen, die auf einfache und zuverlässige Weise schwanger werden möchte. 😊
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Estoy encantada con estas tiras. En mi primer ciclo usándolas, ¡me he quedado embarazada! Empecé testándome una vez al día tras finalizar mi regla, y cuando vi que los niveles de LH subían, pasé a hacerlo dos veces: una a media mañana (10-11h) y otra a última hora de la tarde (20-21h), siempre intentando haber bebido poca agua en el par de horas previas a hacerme el test para que no esté tan diluida la hormona. Me sorprendió cómo el nivel de la hormona podía cambiar drásticamente en unas horas, lo que me permitió aprovechar el mejor momento para tener relaciones con mi pareja. Un dato importante: el primer pico no siempre es el máximo, pero indica que ovularás en las próximas 24-48 horas. Mi mayor pico fue de 1,29, y planificamos relaciones durante los 2-3 días siguientes para asegurarnos coincidir con la ovulación. Además, la app es muy intuitiva y útil. Mi consejo: toma fotos de las tiras con y sin flash, tanto dentro como fuera de la app, para comparar mejor los resultados. Aunque casi siempre coincidían, alguna vez noté diferencias, por lo que me parece más fiable subir las fotos manualmente a la app. Muy contenta con la experiencia y, sobre todo, con los resultados.
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Ho recentemente acquistato il test di ovulazione e devo dire che sono rimasta molto soddisfatta dei risultati ottenuti. In quanto donna che cerca di concepire, ho trovato questo test estremamente utile nel monitorare il mio ciclo e individuare i giorni più fertili. La cosa che mi ha colpito di più è stata la sua affidabilità. I risultati sono stati coerenti e precisi, consentendomi di identificare con precisione il mio picco di fertilità. Questo mi ha aiutato a pianificare i rapporti sessuali in modo più mirato, aumentando le possibilità di concepimento in modo naturale. Inoltre, ho apprezzato molto la semplicità d'uso del test. Le istruzioni erano chiare e facili da seguire, e il processo di esecuzione del test era rapido e indolore. Questo è particolarmente importante per me, poiché mi ha permesso di integrare facilmente il test nella mia routine quotidiana senza alcun problema. Infine, devo sottolineare il rapporto qualità-prezzo di questo prodotto. Rispetto ad altri test di ovulazione sul mercato, ho trovato questo particolarmente conveniente senza compromettere l'accuratezza e l'affidabilità dei risultati. In conclusione, consiglio vivamente il test di ovulazione a tutte le donne che cercano di concepire o che desiderano monitorare attentamente il proprio ciclo. È un investimento prezioso per chiunque voglia aumentare le proprie possibilità di gravidanza in modo consapevole e informato.
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Die Test erfüllen ihren Zweck zur vollsten Zufriedenheit, auch in Kombination mit der APP. Die beiden Test als Bundle sind absolut zuverlässig gewesen, wir hatten keine falschen Ergebnisse.
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- Units 25.00 count
- Brand Easy@Home
- Country of origin China
- Customer Reviews 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 1,873 ratings var dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction; P.when('A', 'ready').execute(function(A) { if (dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction !== true) { dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction = true; A.declarative( 'acrLink-click-metrics', 'click', { "allowLinkDefault": true }, function (event) { if (window.ue) { ue.count("acrLinkClickCount", (ue.count("acrLinkClickCount") || 0) + 1); } } ); } }); P.when('A', 'cf').execute(function(A) { A.declarative('acrStarsLink-click-metrics', 'click', { "allowLinkDefault" : true }, function(event){ if(window.ue) { ue.count("acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount", (ue.count("acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount") || 0) + 1); } }); }); 4.3 out of 5 stars
- Best Sellers Rank 14,046 in Health & Personal Care (See Top 100 in Health & Personal Care) 20 in Ovulation & Fertility Test Kits
- Date First Available 24 Jan. 2022
- Package Dimensions 19.8 x 13.6 x 1.7 cm; 110 g
- Manufacturer Easy@Home
- Manufacturer reference EZ-WS205_EU (E)
- Country of origin China
- Brand Easy@Home
- Number of pieces 25
- Special feature Accurate
- Test type ["teinizi"]
- Specific uses for product Ovulation Test
Serena Cass
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